Hungarian ISBN Office


The ISBN office provides the ISBN numbers for the publishers and verifies them, based on legal deposit copies. In case of errors it will correct or delete them. Since January 1 2002 we do not provide additional numbers for publications published without ISBN numbers. The deletion or correction is applied to the copies remaining in the NSZL and will appear in the Hungarian National Bibliography.

Application for ISBN

By E-mail:
By fax: 487-8687
By normal mail:
National Széchenyi Library
ISBN Office
Budavári Palota, F ép.

Necessary data:

  • name of publisher,
  • address of publisher,
  • phone and fax number,
  • e-mail address,
  • URL of homepage,
  • contact person's name,
  • title of book, and number of volumes.

As the first part of the ISBN number identifies the country (in case of Hungary it is 963), our office can provide the number only for publishers with an address in Hungary. Foreign publishers should contact the ISBN Agency in the country or language area at issue. The list of those agencies can be found on the homepage of the International ISBN Agency.

The processing time is 2 working days maximum.

The ISBN number is free of charge.