Katalin Bánkeszi was granted József Szinnyei Award

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On August 18, Katalin Bánkeszi, Honorary Director of the Hungarian Library Institute was granted József Szinnyei Award for her professional work. This award is granted to those who have had an outstanding performance on the long run, and who have promoted the development of their special field by their activities and initiatives.

Katalin began her career in National Széchényi Library at the National Periodicals Database. Later on, she worked as a senior staff member and then as director of John von Neumann Digital Library and Multimedia Center Nonprofit Ltd. She started working for National Széchényi Library again in 2005. As head of the Electronic Document Center, she was responsible for the building out, development and follow-up of several nationwide library services. She took an active part in the creation and follow-up of MOKKA-ODR joint database, and also she did her best to make the library servicing of electronic documents become a reality.

At the end of 2011, Katalin Bánkeszi was appointed director of the Hungarian Library Institute. While serving on this post, she made efforts to provide high-quality services for the entire Hungarian library community and to let the idea of “services based on partnership” prevail in her activities -- an idea that had been worded in her director’s program.

We congratulate her on this award with much love and respect!