Libraries help with books delivered to the door and with online tale reading

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Many libraries in the country bring books to the elderly and disabled people. Enthusiastic librarians read tales online for children trapped inside four walls, and the  website offers library podcasts to adults during the coronary epidemic. The website has been launched by the Hungarian Library Institute operating within National Széchényi Library.

The library is the keeper location and service provider of authentic, reliable information, and that is why a lot of institutions have collected and published, via their online channels, regulations related to the national and local coronavirus situation, as well as recommendations aimed at the prevention of getting contaminated.

It is possible to get the help of a librarian even without personal contact. Readers can ask the librarian via Skype contact, and online resources needed for work, learning and education can be provided with database recommendations.

Libraries keep on providing book reviews, and documents (books, DVDs and CDs) requested via e-mail will be prepared for use, so that readers should only have to take them over.

Time spent at home will fly more easily and much more usefully it we take advantage of electronic learning options on the e-learning surfaces of the libraries. You can download reference books, audiobooks, compulsory literature and fiction from the Hungarian Electronic Library.

During the epidemic, National Széchényi Library and the Hungarian Library Institute provide full electronic access  to the journals entitled Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Observer) and Könyv, Könyvtár, Könyvtáros (Book, Library, Librarian).

You can get information on the exact services provided by libraries with the help of an interactive map on könyvtá site.