Hungarian ISSN National Centre, Budapest


Magyar ISSN Nemzeti Központ
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár
Budavári Palota F épület, 411., 413. szoba

  • administrator (Ms. Erika Szabó): 22 43 754
  • group head (Mrs. Elizabeth Gazdag): 22 43 842
  • department head (Mrs. Aniko Nagy): 22 43 763

Fax: 22 43 754, 20 20 804
- operates in the National Széchényi Library, in the Collection Development Division and National Bibliographic Centre.
Its tasks:

  • To maintain the blocks of ISSN numbers assigned to Hungary.
  • To determine the international identification number for serial publications with a Hungarian imprint.
  • To control the use of the assigned ISSN numbers, and maintain contact with the publishers or issuers.
  • To process Hungarian periodicals according to the rules of the international system of registration, register them, maintain the data and forward them to the international database.
    At first (1973-1982) information was supplied on data sheets, then later (1983-1990) on magnetic tape. Since 1991 the Hungarian part of the international database has been built on personal computers and the data are forwarded on disc or via the Internet. Up to January 1, 2000 the Hungarian centre reported more than 20,000 titles to the International Centre.
  • To co-operate and maintain relations with the ISSN International Centre, the network centres, users of the ISSN database, and standardization institutions.