Újratervezések. Magyarország a jelenkorban

Újratervezések. Magyarország a jelenkorban

Újratervezések. Magyarország a jelenkorban (Recalculations. Hungary in the present)
Editors: Márkus Keller, Gábor Tabajdi
NSZL– 1956 Institute Foundation, Budapest, 2018, 325 pages
[Yearbook XXIII. 2018]
ISBN 978 963 200 692 5
ISSN 1216-7851

3 900,- Ft

The studies by the staff of the 1956 Institute attempt to rethink the expression and possibilities of the term ‘recalculation’ that has become part of our vocabulary thanks to numerous navigation software. They argue that the concept of replanning has provided a fertile framework for their individual research, and convincingly draws attention to the problem that the constant replannings of 20th century Hungarian history have prevented the emergence of the very tradition, the community of social values, that we so sorely lack, and whose creation can be counted among the most important goals of a good memory politics. Replacing what has been lost is always difficult, but perhaps the strength and capacity to start afresh, to redesign, that emerges from some of the studies, could be the first element of such a canon of values to be developed.