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On May 27, 2016, a professional cooperation agreement was signed by László Tüske, Director-General of National Széchényi Library (NSZL) and Péter Kiszl, Director of Institute of ELTE BTK KITI (Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Library and Information Science).
At 5 p.m. on June 2, 2016 we will present a volume including 77, so far unknown stories written for adults by Ervin Lázár. We are looking forward to seeing you and your friends at the book presentation ceremony.
The Library can be approached without any problem during the event that will take place in Buda Castle from Thursday to Sunday. NSZL will wait for you with its services and exhibitions.
Younger brother of the renowned Joseph Haydn, Michael Haydn, who was also famous for being a composer of sacred music, died in 1806. His manuscript bequest got into the sheet music collection of the Esterházy princes and for decades, it has been a precious treasure of NSZL’s Music Collection. On May 27, 2016 György Vashegyi conducted an oratorio by Michael Haydn on the stage of Müpa Budapest.
Dr. Sándor Dörnyei, Bibliothecarius Emeritus of our Library was granted the Lajos Markusovszky Award of Orvosi Hetilap (Medical Weekly) on May 4, 2016, for his medical historical publication published in last year’s volume of the weekly. A week earlier, he was elected honorary member of the Hungarian Medical Historical Society.
On May 23, 2016, Director-General of National Széchényi Library László Tüske received Pavle Goranovic, Minister of Montenegro in his office.
Lymbus has been published since 2003 annually, in one volume. Its main aim is to present materials found during hungarica research, to authentically publish, translate and report on original sources, as far as text or language is concerned, as well as to present related research.
Organized by Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, the Hungarian Institute in Sofia and Szépírók Társasága (Writers Association), a conference entitled “Contemporary Hungarian Literature in the Context of Bulgarian Literary Translation” will be held in Sofia on May 20, 2016. Our literary historian colleagues Beatrix Visy and László Boka will also attend the conference.
Choir Concordia and the Choir of National Széchényi Library cordially invite you and your friends to their concert beginning at 5 p.m. on Saturday June 4, 2016, in the Ceremonial Hall of National Széchényi Library.  
Between June 15 and October 28, 2016,  NSZL will hold an exhibition presenting samples from the oeuvre of Mihály Zichy who worked, among others, as a Russian court painter. In addition to decorative albums illustrated by him, the exhibition will also present photographs from our Manuscript Collection, related items of the Zichy correspondence and other valuable documents.
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