Potentates and Corvinas

Potentates and Corvinas
An exhibition of National Széchényi Library to celebrate the bicentenary of its foundation 16 May 2002 – 20 August 2002.
Edited by Orsolya Karsay
With the contribution of Ferenc Földesi
The exhibition and the catalogue edition was coordinated by Barbara Kiss
NSZL, Budapest, 2002., 288 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 441 8

3 900,- Ft

Prayer Book with Nice Thanksgivings and Devoted Pleadings…

Prayer Book with Nice Thanksgivings and Devoted Pleadings… newly published in the Hungarian language by Albert Szenci Molnár [a translation of ‘Christliches Betbüchlein’] 1621
With the explanatory essay of Judit P. Vásárhelyi
The text of the facsimile edition is published by Judit P. Vásárhelyi
NSZL–HAS Institute for Literary Studies–Balassi Publishing House, Budapest, 2002., 436 pages
[Bibliotheca Hungarica Antiqua, 35., series edited by Péter Kőszeghy]
ISBN 978 963 506 462 4

3 200,- Ft
Not available

Treasures of the Hungarian national library

Treasures of the Hungarian national library
Written by István Monok
Translated by Elayne Antalffy M.
Magyar Könyvklub, Budapest, 2002, 416 pages
ISBN 963 547 665 5

10 000,- Ft
Not available

Kincsek a nemzet könyvtárából

Kincsek a nemzet könyvtárából
Written by István Monok
Magyar Könyvklub, Budapest, 2002, 416 pages
ISBN 963 547 663 9

10 000,- Ft
Not available

Schätze der ungarischen Nationalbibliothek

Schätze der ungarischen Nationalbibliothek
Written by István Monok
Translated by Anikó Harmath
Magyar Könyvklub, Budapest, 2002, 416 pages
ISBN 963 547 664 7

Language: German

10 000,- Ft
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