Címlap 2

Cultural Heritage Days 2024

We are looking forward to welcoming you with colourful programmes on 21 and 22 September 2024!

House of Hungary's Márai Salon represents Hungary's book culture in the European Union

The NSZL provided special professional support to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Prime Minister's Office for the creation of the House of Hungary in Brussels, which will serve as one of the venues of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, which started on 1 July.

Chinese delegation in the NSZL

Representatives of the China–CEEC (Central and Eastern European Countries) Curators' Forum of Libraries Union paid a field visit to the NSZL. 

The sound recording collection of the National Széchényi Library was presented in the Republic of South Africa

János Ferenc Szabó presented the collection of the Hungarian National Library at the International Assotiation of Music Librarians.

The representatives of the Organization of Turkic States in Hungary visited our library

The experiences of the successful Müteferrika conference in Ankara were also discussed at the meeting.

The Ambassador of Pakistan visited our library

Asif Hussain Memon, Pakistan's Ambassador to Hungary, was received by Judit Gerencsér, Deputy Director General, on 3 July 2024 at the NSZL.

The National Széchényi Library hosted a delegation from the Alamire Foundation

On 28 June 2024, a delegation from the Belgian Alamire Foundation visited the national library. The purpose of the visit was to discuss cooperation on the digitisation of the Bártfa Collection comprising compositions from the 16th to the 17th centuries.

The Hungarian-Turkish Cultural Year is halfway through – the contribution of the NSZL has also been acknowledged

The work of the participating institutions, including the NSZL, has been recognised at a press conference.