Concert in the Library

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Choir Concordia and the Choir of National Széchényi Library cordially invite you and your friends to their concert beginning at 5 p.m. on Saturday June 4, 2016, in the Ceremonial Hall of National Széchényi Library (Wing “F” of Buda Royal Palace, Floor 6).



Choir Concordia (North Komárom), conductor: István Stubendek
Choir of National Széchényi Library, conductors: Mária Eckhardt and Ágnes Gupcsó
Orsolya Nyakas (soprano) and Tamás Pfeiferlik (bass)
Zsuzsa Kalmár and Ilona Erdélyi (piano)



Choir of NSZL

Ola Gjeilo: Ubi Caritas
Ferenc Liszt: Pater noster Jena
Ferenc Liszt: Air de Chateaubriand
Ferenc Liszt: O Roma nobilis
Ferenc Liszt: Ave Maria (A major)

Choir Concordia

Miklós Kocsár: Psallite Deo
Claudio Monteverdi: Cantate Domino
Lajos Bárdos: Stretch out from Heaven
Zoltán Kodály: Te Deum of Sándor Sík

Choir of NSZL

Claudio Monteverdi: Che se tu se’il cor mio
Claudio Monteverdi: Lasciate mi morire
György Orbán: Two Shakespeare choirs (1. Come Away – 2. O Mistress Mine)

Choir Concordia

Zoltán Kodály – Sándor Petőfi: The Hungarian nation
Péter Tóth – Jenő Dsida: Flames
Jenő Ádám: Songs of Somogy
Jenő Szíjjártó: Wedding music of Zoborvidék

Choirs together

Georg Friedrich Händel: Ode to Queen Anne’s Birthday (Movements 3 and 8)
Lajos Bárdos: Aeterne Rex
Lajos Bárdos: Our Lady – Troll
Lajos Bárdos: Old Dance Song

Free entry but we are honored to accept any donation.