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Attila Mudrák’s photo exhibition takes visitors to distant places unknown to many of us. His photos take us to remote small villages of the Carpathian Basin, to the borders, both in the geographic and symbolic senses of the word, where nowadays hopelessness and poverty prevail. However, these artistic photos do not reflect decay or hopelessness…
Dr. Sándor Dörnyei, Bibliothecarius Emeritus of our Library celebrated his 90th birthday on November 4, 2016. Friends and colleagues respecting the medical historian and bibliographer presented him a celebration book including personal greetings as well as studies on the history of medicine, pharmacy and press, and various writings related to research in national bibliography and to other fields of cultural history.
One of the users of Hungarian Electronic Library (Hungarian abbreviation: MEK) made a browsing, reading application for Windows 10 devices.
With the cooperation of Teleki László Foundation, Deputy State Secretariat for Cultural Heritage Protection of the Prime Minister’s Office organized a conference entitled Rómer Flóris Plan –Renovated Hungarian Monuments in the Carpathian Basin. The conference will take place in National Széchényi Library on December 6–7, 2016.
Professor Ewan Fernie, Fellow and Chair of Shakespeare Studies at the Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon paid a visit to National Széchényi Library in November 2016.
You are cordially invited to the Christmas Waiting Concert of the Choir of NSZL to be held in the Franciscan Church of St. John of Capistrano at Rózsadomb and starting at 5 p.m. on December 11, 2016.
For years now, National Széchényi Library has been present in the cultural life of Hungary as a book publisher as well. From now on, the 26 to 30 various publications published annually will be available or can be ordered at a common subsite within the official website of NSZL.
Two books published by National Széchényi Library, one on our World War I exhibition and another one on a related scientific conference, were presented at the 8th Nagyvárad Book Marathon on November 19, 2016.
Exhibitions can be visited free of charge, you can register for a Reader Pass at half price, NSZL can be visited with a free daily ticket, and you will find sales prices in our gift shop on November 25, 2016.
Academic researcher of NSZL Dr. Kornélia Vas-Tóth took part in Hungarian Language Day gala on November 13, 2016 as an award-winner in competition category Linguistic Essays.
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