
Traffic restrictions on 28 April 2023


According to the police, there will be temporary closures, road closures and traffic restrictions in the I. district on Friday, April 28, between 8 am and 1 pm, due to the visit of Pope Francis to Hungary.

On this day, the NSZL will be accessible from 8 am to 1 pm:

The National Library of Foreign Literature will reopen its doors from 2 May 2023



The National Library of Foreign Literature will reopen on 2 May 2023 and all services will be fully accessible again.

Vivat Slovenia!

2023/04/19 - 2023/05/31


On Wednesday the library will open at 2 pm



Dear Readers and Visitors!


On 19 April 2023, due to exceptional circumstances, our library will open its doors at 2 pm.

We are looking forward to welcoming you!

Documents treasured in the NSZL on display at the Gulácsy exhibition of the Hungarian National Gallery



The National Széchényi Library has loaned a number of documents to the Lajos Gulácsy's oeuvre exhibition, which opens on 7 April 2023 at the Hungarian National Gallery.

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