
Launch of a new Ukrainian children's book in the national library



On 11 April 2022, we launched a children’s book in Ukrainian based on Hungarian folk tales, published in collaboration with our library.

A Ukrainian children’s book based on Hungarian folk tales was published jointly by Móra Publishing House, Nova Hvylja Association and NSZL, with the support of Petőfi Cultural Agency (PKÜ) and the Alföldi Printing House.

Extended opening hours from 1 April



Dear Readers, Visitors!

Please be informed that from 1 April 2022 our opening hours will change as follows: 

General Collection:  

  • Monday from 2 pm to 8 pm 
  • Tuesday to Saturday from 9 am to 8 pm 

Special Collections: 

On Saturday, 26 March, we are looking forward to welcoming our readers and visitors



On Saturday 26 March, we welcome our readers and visitors again as follows: 

Our film 'My brethren, you see...' now available to everyone



Our film 'My brethren, you see...' is now available to everyone on the NSZL Youtube channel. The film was screened on channel M5 on 22 January 2022, the Day of Hungarian Culture. 

We are open on 11 December!



Dear Visitors! As 11 December is an official working day, we are open on Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm, according to Friday opening hours.


Web Archiving Conference in Warsaw



Our colleague from the Web Archiving Department, Márton Németh, also gave a presentation at the Polish State Archives at the conference entitled Forum on the Archiving of the Polish Internet held between 16 and 17 November 2021.

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