MEK 15,000!

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From now on, you can legally download 15,000 documents and e-books from the Hungarian Electronic Library (MEK). The 15,000th item is a book entitled Fejtorna (Mental Gymnastics) by József Grätzer, one-time secretary of Frigyes Karinthy and author of the so-called SICC! (SHOO!) books.

Excerpt from the Preface written by the author in 1932:

“According to the dictionary, “puzzle” is an intellectual task, which can be solved by way of thinking, logic, patience and some combination. Ministers and sales apprentices, generals and office messengers, university students and primary school children, elegant ladies and sewing girls, world-famous artists and young actor students, writers of both genders will all find it extremely amusing. Why? Old people enjoy themselves again like children do. It helps poor people with getting rid of their problems. Rich people solve puzzles to get rid of the boredom of an hour. Bright people like to show off their sharp wits. By way of solving a puzzle, ignorant people can explore the various fields of knowledge. Lovers, who are ardent puzzle solvers, like to cuddle up together over a sheet of paper.”

You can read more about the growth of the Hungarian Electronic Library (MEK) on the blog of National Széchényi Library. (This blog entry was written in Hungarian.)