Presentation of the facsimile edition of Ernst Codex

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National Széchényi Library and Pannonhalma Archabbey cordially invite you to the presentation ceremony of the facsimile edition of 12th-century Ernst Codex containing St. Martin and Saint Stephen legends.

Welcome speech will be given by László Boka, Director of Research and Academic Affairs (NSZL).

Participants of the round-table discussion will be authors of the accompanying study volume: Balázs Déri, Konrád Dejcsics OSB, Kornél Szovák and Gábor Thoroczkay.

Moderator: Edit Madas

Contributors will be László Kéringer and members of Praetorius Chamber Choir, as well as Zsolt Pamper, student of the Benedictine Secondary School of Pannonhalma.

Date: Tuesday April 25, 2017, 5 p.m.
Venue: Ceremonial Hall of National Széchényi Library (Wing F of Buda Royal Palace, Budapest)

You are most cordially welcome at the event!

The volume will be available on site at a discount price!

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Invitation card of the event (in Hungarian)

The event in pictures