Aranyozás (Gilding) – poets on János Arany

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We invite those interested in János Arany’s poetry to a special evening, to the dress rehearsal of the performance of Örkény Theater. Entitled Aranyozás (Gilding), the performance will start at 7 p.m. on Friday September 15, 2017.

In the compilation edited by Győző Ferencz and Pál Mácsai, writings and poems written by generations of poets succeeding Arany will be read, including texts by authors from Petőfi, via the so-called Westerners, to contemporaries such as Szabolcs Várady, Ádám Nádasdy, András Ferenc Kovács and Dániel Varró. Arany's intellectual legacy, poetry and figure have never ceased to represent a standard and inspiring example for all the other poets.

Texts will be read by Kriszta Bíró, Imre Csuja, Béla Dóra, Attila Epres, István Ficza, Anikó Für, László Gálffi, Gabriella Hámori, Zsombor Jéger, Tünde Kókai, Zsolt Máthé, Zsolt Nagy, Máté Novkov, Márton Patkós, Judit Pogány, Csaba Polgár, Nóra Diána Takács, Réka Tenki, Milán Vajda, István Znamenák and Emőke Zsigmond.

Host of the eve: Pál Mácsai
Edited and selected by Győző Ferencz and Pál Mácsai
Music: Árpád Kákonyi
Assistant director: Julcsi Szabó
Director: Pál Mácsai

Date: September 15, 2017, 7 p.m.
Venue: Ceremonial Hall of the Library, Floor 6

The production was set up with the support of the Ministry of Human Capacities and National Széchényi Library.

Price of ticket to the dress rehearsal: HUF 1,600

Tickets can be pre-purchased as of Friday September 8, 2017 in the Bookshop of the Library, or they can be purchased on the day of the event, immediately before the performance.

Opening hours of the bookshop: Tue-Sat:  9:00-19:00

Seats can be taken in the order of arrival.

The event is part of the ARANY (GOLDEN) Autumn program series.