The present and future of library digitization

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Digitization is one of the key issues of discourse within the Hungarian library community. In order to facilitate an active dialogue, the Hungarian Library Institute will launch a further training series related to the topic. The first event of the four-part series will focus on the state of library digitization in Hungary, the digitization strategy of NSZL and the digitizing center set up here, as well as on the digital content service providing method used at the University of Pécs.

The training will be hosted by National Széchényi Library.


9:30–10:00: Registration

10:00–10:15: Welcome speech

10:15–10:45: Máté Tóth (Hungarian Library Institute): Library digitization in Hungary

10:45–11:15: János Káldos (National Széchényi Library): Digitization strategy of National Széchényi Library (2017–2025)

11:15–11:30: Break

11:30–12:00: Szabolcs Győrffy (National Széchényi Library): Digitization workshop in National Széchényi Library

12:00–12.30: Gábor Szeberényi (University Library of Pécs and Centre for Learning): Digital content services at the University of Pécs – strategic goals, problems and opportunities

12:30–13:00: Professional forum

The professional forum will provide an opportunity to discuss emerging ideas and professional issues.

Date: September 26. 2017, 10:00–13:00
Participation is free but it is subject to registration

The training is provided with the support of the National Cultural Fund of Hungary.