Night of Museums 2018 – Playful Museum Night

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Buy your tickets!

Tickets are already available at the registration desk during the opening hours of the Library.

Adult: HUF 1,700
Child ticket (6–18 years old): HUF 800

You can also buy your ticket online at Jegymester (Ticket Master). In order to support us, we kindly ask you to choose National Széchényi Library when purchasing your ticket online.

Thank you.

LION COURT - National Széchényi Library, Main Entrance 

18.00–18.45  Entitled Buzzword, a jazz concert of the YOUTH BRASS BAND OF VÁC – Band of the Béla Bartók Music School of Vác

Lobby – Floor 5 

16.00–01.00 Discount registration offered

  • Discount registration during the night! 50% discount is given off the annual NSZL registration fee.
  • Family discount registration
    ”Bring your child or grandchild to the Night of Museums. Buy an annual reader pass at a discount price, and we will give the child a free annual reader pass.” (Discount does not apply to card fee. Age limit of registration is 16 years. A maximum of 2 children per 1 adult can be registered.)

16.00–01.00Buy it! Take it!” – Book stand where you can buy the publications of NSZL Publishing House


16.00– 01.00 Digital collections of NSZL: everything on web archiving in a playful fashion, first public archive of Hungarian websites, anniversaries in 2018, crosswords and puzzles from our digital collections (Hungarian Electronic Library, Electronic Periodicals Archive & Database, Hungarian Digital Archive of Pictures). Lobby, corridor


18.00, 20.00, 22.00FROM BASEMENT TO ATTIC” – BIG LIBRARY BUILDING TOUR – Roaming in Wing ‘F’ of Buda Royal Palace; tours will start from the Main Entrance of NSZL


16.00–24.00 THE SZÉCHÉNYI CODE – Playful investigation after the cultural heritage of Széchényi family. While solving tasks and puzzles, participants can get to know certain members of the family and the various collections of the Library. Valuable gifts will be drawn among visitors who successfully solve the tasks and puzzles. At various locations in the building of NSZL, starting from Floor 5, Lobby; registration at


Corridor adjacent to the National Relic exhibition space - Floor 5

16.00–01.00 Logic and skill-developing games, courtesy of Rubik Kocka Játékbolt (Rubik’s Cube Toy Store) and Fakopáncs Játék Webáruház (Fakopács Online Toy Store). A great variety of Rubik’s Cubes and International Competition Cubes. Since its launch in 1990, Fakopáncs has been selling quality wooden toys. Education, skill development, security, high quality, cheerful colors. Throughout the night, you can learn while playing!

16.00–24.00 CRAFT BOOKBINDING Make a small book of your own and take it home! The restorers of NSZL will be waiting for those who are interested in craft bookbinding.

16.00–24.00 Making mini cross-stitched bookmarks


National Relic exhibition space - Floor 5

16.00–01.00 PLAY CORNER NOT ONLY FOR KIDSKisgombos Bookshop and Publisher invites families to an imaginary trip. We will invite visitors to listening to tales and literary reading, as well as to our postcard making workshop where both the young ones and adults can write heart touching messages. Reading of tales and literary reading will start on the hour, from 16:00 hours onwards. Books of the Publisher will be available on site: Lobby, National Relic exhibition space

16.00–22.00 Board game nook – Helpful play masters will be waiting for you with lots of modern games (+6 years). Floor 5, National Relic exhibition space

16.00–24.00 KI-RA-KÓ (PUZZLE): In the play corner, you can try out and play with smaller and bigger, easy- and difficult-to-construct puzzles designed by Gábor Gondos. Adventure time! 


Boardroom and corridor - Floor 5

17.00–21.00 Fritzinger's Comic Jam (Zoltán Fritz’s team) – Visitors themselves can make comics with the help of experienced artists. Boardroom

18.00–01.00, Adventure tour at the heart of the dark repositories every hour – Roaming in the tower repositories of National Széchényi Library, with a flashlight in your hand. You can have a look at 19th and 20th century student journals such as Lila zongora (Purple Piano) or Radikális ellenőr (Radical Inspector). Presentation of some special publications of the Newspaper and Periodical Collection of NSZL. Guided group tours will start every hour from Széchényi Cabinet on Floor 5. A maximum of 20 visitors will be admitted into one group. Registration is compulsory if you want to attend this program. Registration at


 Floor 6 

Villány, take it easy!


Villány Wine Region will introduce its latest, “Y”-generation community bistro wine during the Night of Museums 2018! A Portugieser-based blend of the wine region, Villány’s REDy is light bodied and fruity, but also promises plenty of fun and partying, while still being exciting and simply cool. It doesn’t want to be more than it should be. It’s just like its makers: the young and eternally young Villány winemakers.

17.00–18.00 TOURNAMENT as a SPORTS GAME – The basics of historical sword play. Emil Barta’s presentation. Ars Librorum


KIDDO, SHIRT DRESS, WHIRLIGIG…” exhibition – Modern Age lifestyle, wear and toys of children, and other memorabilia of their everyday lives; exhibition of toys, seal figures, dress up dolls, resting corner. Early Printed Books Collection

19.00, 21.00 MINI BOOK AUCTIONS – Playful auction of some NSZL documents. Ars Librorum

16.00–24.00 Secondhand Books

16.00–01.00 Theater families, theater dynasties – Mini exhibition of our Theater History Collection. Our playful visitors can also answer quiz questions during the event. Theater History Collection

18.00–19.00 COMICS AS NARRATIVE. The 9th Art and its Icons in Hungary – thematic tour of the exhibition guided by Gábor Korcsmáros, head of the Hungarian Comics Publisher. Exhibition Halls 1-2, Ars Librorum

21.00, 23.00 COMICS AS NARRATIVE. The 9th Art and its Icons in Hungary – thematic tour of the exhibition guided by Rita Szűts-Novák, Anikó Ágnes Patonai. Exhibition Halls 1-2, Ars Librorum

19.00–20.45 Too Much of Women…” (Life Duet) Acted by Teri Tordai and Lili Horváth, director: Judit Cseh, mentor: Márta Mészáros, costumes: Kata Horváth, set design: Györgyi Fekete, sound design: Balázs Igaz, production manager: Anna Gáspár (Manna Production)

“It is a mother-daughter story about how a parent becomes a grandparent, and how a child becomes a mother. What happens to us when we wake up one day and see that we have grown old in the eyes of society, but we do not feel it inside? Quoting Éva Pataki’s words: (…) » one grows old on the outside but there is an inner core, the I, roaming freely, regardless of one’s body. « From this show, we can learn to dare say if something has gone by; not to be afraid of new situations … and that one of the most important things in life is humor.” Ceremonial Hall

21.45–23.30 GÁBRIEL FARKAS & HIS BAND: Classics of Hungarian Popular Music

Throughout the night, you can listen to songs close to our hearts, performed by Gábriel and mixed with anecdotes. Gábriel Farkas and his jazz trio will select from popular cabaret pieces, dance songs and major hits of the period starting with the 1920s, via the 1950s, right until the 1980s. Most well-known melodies once sung by Éva Mikes, Ilona Hollós, Pál Szécsi, Zsuzsa Cserháti or Péter Máté will be performed in an unusual adaptation, since the songs of Hungarian popular music have not been played as jazz standard. The show is meant to entertain all generations, from grandparents to grandchildren.

A selection from television recordings:

Ezt a Nagy Szerelmet Tőled Kaptam Én (I’ve got this big love from you)

Ott fogsz majd sírni (You will cry there)

Kicsi Gyere Velem Rózsát Szedni (Come, sweetie, to pick some flowers with me)

Jamaikai Trombitás (Jamaican Trumpeter)


Floor 7 


Moving and not moving – What is it?
Solution in the Library of Book History, Library and Information – Film strip projection: from fairy tales to library science – SELECTION FROM THE BIGGEST FILM STRIP COLLECTION OF HUNGARY! – Managed by retired librarian Ferenc Bíró. We will wait for children with glass painting, film strip puzzle and coloring sheets. We will answer questions related to film strips, and will look for your favorite childhood film strips.
+ Child care! – we are ready to take care of and entertain children while parents pop into a program organized for adults. Reading Room of the Library of Book History, Library and Information

16.0001.00 Technology-science: Live digitization show, with special devices and special methods. Floor 7, Catalog space


Floor 8

17.00, 20.00 Daddy Storage – watching matches in the Library (matches: South Korea–Mexico, Germany–Sweden)