Chinese delegation visited NSZL

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A Chinese delegation led by Dr. Zhu Qi, Deputy Director-General of the Bureau for External Cultural Relations of the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China paid a visit to our Library.

Guests were received by Géza Szőcs, President of the National Library Board of Hungary and László Tüske, Director-General of NSZL.

During the official visit of the Prime Minister of Hungary to China this May, Chinese and Hungarian parties committed themselves to governmental, local, institutional and professional level cooperation, in line with the “One Belt, One Road” initiative.

During talks with Dr. Zhu Qi, possibilities of institutional (inter-library) cooperation were discussed, with special regard to the memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation signed last year with the National Library of China.

National Széchényi Library proposed to organize a photo and book exhibition entitled “China Through Hungarian Eyes - Hungary Through Chinese Eyes” in Beijing in the second half of 2017, or in 2018. The necessary preparatory measures have already been taken, but no actual plans have been agreed upon with the Chinese partner. Dr. Zhu Qi welcomed the idea and he promised to lend help, in order to successfully launch the exhibition.