Comics as Narrative. The 9th Art and its Icons in Hungary – exhibition

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2018/05/14 - 2018/07/26


The Hungarian Comics Association and NSZL will open a joint exhibition on May 14, 2018, in order to present some major chapters in the history of Hungarian comics. The exhibition focuses not only on comics as an independent art form and a possible way of self-expression, but also on comic adaptations and the Hungarian literary works that have inspired them.


Comic strip is an independent medium which, owing to its unique form language, has earned the right to be referred to as the ninth art. Although there are several theories about when to talk about a comic strip, or what is to be called a comic strip at all, its connection with literature and print media is undeniable. This is especially true for the Hungarian related medium; among the authors of the earliest Hungarian comics, we find the renowned 19th-century novelist Mór Jókai. The aim of the joint exhibition of National Széchényi Library and the Hungarian Comics Association is to show how multicolored comic book is, to present masters, to draw attention to the time and work needed to create a comic strip, and also to show where and how this medium/form of expression has been used. In addition to that, the exhibition will present some characteristic works from the era of the Hungarian “socialist” comic strip, which started with the launch of a newspaper dubbed Füles (Eeyore) and which was built on classic literary adaptation. At the same time, the exhibition will also focus on the original works of Hungarian literature that have inspired the various adaptations.

In addition to works by contemporary artists, original works by legendary cartoonists such as Pál Korcsmáros or Ernő Zórád will also be exhibited. The show will come complete with special, illustrated editions of the major works of Hungarian literature.

Fritz’s Strips, a compendium of works by Zoltán Fritz, featuring only a few frames published in the journal entitled Filmvilág (Film World), will be on display at a separate exhibition.

Curators of the exhibition:

  • Anikó Ágnes Patonai (NSZL)

  • Eszter Szép (Hungarian Comics Association)

  • Rita Szűts-Novák (NSZL)

Exhibiting contemporary artists: Izsák Ambrus, András Baranyai (b), Olivér Csepella, Dávid Cserkuti, Dániel Csordás, Győző Dudás, Domonkos Erhardt, Miklós Felvidéki, Zoltán Fritz, Zsolt Garisa, Balázs Gróf, András Halter, Péter Haragos, Artúr Haránt, József Haui, Márton Hegedűs, Zoltán Koska, István Lakatos, Mátyás Lanczinger, Gergely Madarász, Petra Lilla Marjai, Gábor Molnár, Gergely Oravecz, Roland Pilcz, Katalin Sárdi, Mátyás Sárosi, György Somogyi, Attila Stark, Kriszta Szabó, Szabolcs Tebeli, Judit Tondora, Róbert Vass, Zsolt Vidák and Nóra Vincze

Date: May 14, 2018–July 26, 2018
Venue: National Széchényi Library, Budapest, Buda Royal Palace, Wing “F”,
Corvina Halls I and II on Floor 6 and Catalog space on Floor 7